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Andrology Workstation
Make: Adler
Model No: AAW 302
Laminar System Features:
Laminar Airflow Workstations offer ISO Class 5 cleanair product protection
The laminar flowhood can be used where clean air flow per ISO14644-1 is required
All work stations use an ultra-high-efficiency ebm Germany blowers witha noise level of
<60Dba to provide a robust 90FPM(0,46m/s) laminar flowof HEPA filtered air to a work zone
This design makesboth procedures and routine cleaning easy and is illuminated by fluorescent LEDlighting.
All workstationsare Vertical down flow system
Built Features:
Made of GI withPowder Coated finish Stainless Steel Working Area with Mat Finish
ControlSystem Features:
Membrane Key pad for control system comprises: On/Off, Flow,Light, Heating, Microscope, Monitor & Gassing
Heating System Features:
2 Independent Heating System
1:Table The markedarea on the table is heated upto the set temperature with an accuracy of1.0Con the entire marked area
2: Incubator an incubator isbuilt in the back wall of the working area & 2nos of aluminium block whichcan hold 12nos of 15ml conical bottom tubes, temperature accuracy of 0.5C
Monitoring System
A17 Monitor isflush mounted in the back wall of the working area with connections for themicroscope camera accommodates an RCA cable
Working Area : 950L X 600D x 550H in mm
Over all Dimension: 955LX702DX1920H in mm
Electrical: 220 - 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
LaminarAirflowWorkstationsofferISOClass5clean airproductprotection
Allworkstationsuse an ultra-high-efficiencyebm Germany blowerswith anoise levelof
Thisdesignmakesbothproceduresandroutinecleaningeasyandisilluminatedbyfluorescent LEDlighting.
Allworkstation sare Verticaldownflow system Built Features:
Made of GI withPowder Coated finish StainlessSteelWorkingAreawithMatFinish Control SystemFeatures:
MembraneKeypadforcontrolsystemcomprises:On/Off,Flow,Light,Heating,Microscope, Monitor & Gassing
Heating SystemFeatures:
1:TableThemarkedareaonthetableisheateduptothesettemperaturewithanaccuracy of 1.0Con the entire marked area
2:Incubatoranincubatorisbuiltinthebackwalloftheworkingarea&2nosofaluminiumblockwhichcanhold12nosof15mlconicalbottomtubes.temperature accuracyof 0.5C
A15Monitorisflushmountedinthebackwalloftheworkingareawithconnectionsforthe microscope camera accommodates an RCA cable
Working Area : 950L X 600D x 550H in mmOverallDimension:955LX702DX1920Hinmm Electrical: 220 - 240 volts, 50/60 Hz.